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Take a virtual mission trip with Kids Can Do (and big people, too!)

Kids Can Do

Kid-sized mission projects raise money to meet real needs in another country.


Each kit contains: 

  • full-color photos

  • descriptive narratives

  • Ten fully scripted lessons

  • CD-ROM with ppt photos

  • Mission project ideas and more.


Kids Can Do Mission projects available:
(Select a project to learn more)


  1. New Day for Kids in Haiti

  2. Hope for South Asia

  3. Victory in Colombia​


Kids Can Do mission project flip-books with
CD-ROM are $35 plus shipping and are available either as print-on-demand or computer download.


To order contact us at 317.888.3333. x 313


These resources are developed for elementary aged children.


Anchor 1

Kids Can Do: New Day for Kids in Haiti


Take a virtual missions trip to Haiti and learn how God can use our actions and true caring to help kids overcome poverty, malnutrition, and spiritual darkness. Bounce down the road in a decorate tap-tap and explore the Starfish Kids sponsorship program through true-life stories and photos.


The mission project will challenge you and your kids to pray for kids in Haiti. Money raised through this project

ill provide school benches, water filtration systems,

and recess equipment for the Starfish Kids program

in Haiti.


Preview a sample lesson in the video clip.


Kids Can Do mission project flip-books with

CD-ROM are $35 plus shipping.


To order contact us at 317.888.3333. x 313


This resource is developed for elementary aged children

and supplements the Missions-to-go activity book.

Kids Can Do Missions, too! Haiti

Kids Can Do Missions, too! Haiti

Watch Now
Kids Can Do Missions, too! South Asia

Kids Can Do Missions, too! South Asia

Watch Now
Anchor 2

Kids Can Do: Hope for South Asia


Take a virtual missions trip to South Asia and learn how God can use you to be his hands and feet in the midst of flooding, severe weather, and unsanitary conditions.


The mission project will challenge you and your kids to pray for the hope of Jesus to reach the people of South Asia. Money raised through this project will provide disaster relief, wells, and education for the people of South Asia.


Preview a sample lesson.


Kids Can Do mission project flip-books with

CD-ROM are $35 plus shipping.


To order contact us at 317.888.3333. x 313


This resource is developed for elementary aged children and supplements the Missions-to-go activity book.​​

Anchor 3

Kids Can Do: Victory in Colombia


Take a virtual missions trip to Colombia and learn how God can soccer to help young people avoid drugs, gangs, and violence. Visit a neighborhood and explore the Christian Union Sports Club through true-life stories and photos.


The mission project will challenge you and your kids to pray for kids in Colombia. Money raised through this project will provide coach training, devotional materials, equipment and uniforms for a soccer ministry that reaches out to Colombian children and youth.


Preview a sample lesson.


Kids Can Do mission project flip-books with

CD-ROM are $35 plus shipping.


To order contact us at 317.888.3333. x 313


This resource is developed for elementary aged

children and supplements the

Missions-to-go activity book.​​

Kids Can Do Missions, too! Columbia

Kids Can Do Missions, too! Columbia

Watch Now
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